Vastu Consultation

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Hindu Vedic Science, which takes a holistic approach to design and create a layout of a factory, office and home which is in harmony with nature, the cosmic forces and the universe.

Don’t just look at your office, factory and home as just a structure of bricks, cement and ply-board. Your environment is throbbing with life. There is the solar energy, the movement of the planets, the magnetic fields of the earth, gravity, the influence of the five essential elements of nature

  • Water (‘jal’)
  • Fire (‘agni’)
  • Earth (‘prithvi’)
  • Sky (‘akash’)
  • Wind (‘vayu)
  • And other like  geopathic stress, the global fields, the cosmic energy, the colours and pictures on the wall etc. all of which are all affecting your mind, body, life and business.


It is proven that the layout, design, structure of the place you work and stay has a definite bearing on your mental and physical state. The positive or negative vibes flowing in these structures affect your peace of mind, your smooth functioning, eventually having a bearing on your health, general well being and also on your prosperity.

Each one of us has aspirations and would appreciate to climb the success ladder to reach new heights. Vastu plays an important role in paving the path of success, prosperity, better business prospects and a better lifestyle.

The positive energies and vibes which would flow into your home and work place would recharge your mind and body and you would be relatively at peace and you would be able to work efficiently and effectively which would translate into happiness, success and good health.

Vastu is gaining tremendous popularity due to its effectiveness and we have witnessed positive growth and satisfaction with each of our clients.

Who it is for :

  • Industrialists and Businessmen
  • Professionals – Doctors, Lawyers, C.A, Architects, Consultants etc.
  • House-holds
  • Govt. Service and Private Jobs
  • Students

Any human being exist on this earth

What is considered in Vastu as per modern day life:

1. Home entrance.

2. Cooking area.

3. The toilets in house.

4. Modern appliances like Washing machine , Mixes and Grinders , Oven, wifi

5. Rooms: Bedroom, Study , Kids, Elderly, Maid.

6. The new concept of WFH / home office setup

And everything which belong to us on a day to day basis.

What kind of problems Vastu solves and support:

1.  Promotions / Stability in career

2. Daily cash in flow / Salary hike / More Customers 

3. Right Opportunities/ Skills enhancement/ Higher Studies

4. Visa Issues/ Settlement in Foreign country